
Category Archives: Science Games

Crawl, worm, crawl!

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  Your a worm that’s escaped your fate as a lure. Now get to safety! This is a really simple game that had me playing for the last 20 minutes. It’s similar to QWOP, yet fundamentally easier. The animation of the raving mad bass flopping along the shore and the added sense of urgency when [...]


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Ever wanted to crush anything in your path? Well, playing as a massive boa constrictor in Snaaaake! Gives you that opportunity! In Snaaaake! you crawl around crushing things that you come across. Although the game doesn’t teach you much about boa constrictors specifically or even snakes in general, it does teach you that snakes can’t [...]


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You are a bear, winter is coming, so drive around and eat fish and berries to prepare to hibernate! Alright, this may be far fetched as a science based game, but the execution is just amazing! As the say in the video: “The best bear driving simulator ever made”. Bonus points for how upset the [...]


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Here’s another great example of how an important biological concept (sexual selection) can be tranferred in a simple way using a game. Player 1 plays a male riflebird that calls and displays to a female. Player 2 plays a female that judges the male. Whether or not Player 1 gets to mate will depend on [...]

Benthic Love

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Benthic Love is a game about exploring the ocean depths as an angler fish. The artwork is fantastic and the biology is spot on (from what I’ve explored of the game anyway). It is a fun little game that does an excellent job of marrying teaching the biology of a fascinating organism and have fun [...]


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Here is a wonderful little game that allows you to take up the story of being a male cuttlefish exploring the ocean in search of a female to mate with. It’s a fun little story that mixes human emotions with the biology of cuttlefish, allowing you to explore the amazing behaviours of this animal. It’s [...]

Learning science through gaming!

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With all the new indie and zinester style games being released, it’s time to add a section that highlights some of the wonderful games that individuals have created about science. I’ll be updating details on this site every time I find a game that teaches gamers some aspect about science, no matter how simple. Also, [...]